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How can we keep our capsule wardrobe pieces in perfect condition?

by Erika Somfalvi on January 20, 2022

The capsule wardrobe pieces are bought with the intention of wearing them for years and using them as often as possible. To keep them in perfect shape, they need to be treated well. So we've put together a little summary of the most important care tips.

We're sure you'll have repeated thoughts, but we hope we can give you lots of tips to make sure you can enjoy wearing your favourite clothes as long and as well as possible.

Every time you buy a garment from us, we'll also provide a short information on how to best care for your beautiful new clothes. Of course, every garment has care instructions (you know the label), but these are often cut out, so by the time it comes to the laundry you won't know what to do.

As we are committed to the "Slow Fashion" movement, our aim is not only to create durable and high quality garments, but also to help you preserve the beauty of your garments so that you can enjoy them as long as possible.

We've probably all had the experience of damaging a brand new garment at the first wash or dry clean. Or maybe you weren't sure how to care for the latest piece in your wardrobe. Here's all the information and tips you need to help you take care of your wardrobe.


There are usually 5 basic pieces of information on a clothing label:

The most important information on the label is the washing, as this is the key factor in deciding whether the garment can be washed at home or whether it should be taken to the dry cleaner.

The symbol for this is: 

If the signal is crossed out() then unfortunately the garment cannot be washed.

The number on the symbol () specifies the washing temperature: 30, 40, etc., but knowing the raw materials, clothes cannot and should not be washed at higher temperatures.

Some clothes are so delicate that they should almost only be washed by hand.

A symbol of this:

Tip: If you don't want to spend hours ironing, we recommend washing at a lower temperature or spinning at a lower speed. This way, the fabric will be less "broken" and less wrinkled. Of course, it also helps if you don't overload the washing machine.


Bleaching is often an issue with white blouses and T-shirts, but we do not recommend using bleach containing chlorine.

A symbol of:

If this signal is crossed out (), it should not be applied to textiles at all.

Tip: If necessary, we recommend using a chlorine-free bleach to remove stubborn stains such as lipstick, powder, deodorant, etc.


Tumble dryers are popular these days because no one likes to see clothes laid out at home. Although a small number of clothes can be dried in a tumble dryer without any damage, it is still necessary to follow the instructions.

A symbol of:  

If this signal is crossed out (), the clothes should not be put in the tumble dryer.

Tip: If you don't want to iron the clothes after washing, shake them out immediately and it's best to dry them on a hanger. Shake the clothes well before hanging them, pull them out in all directions and only then hang them. Believe me, most clothes don't need ironing!


Ironing is a very critical point in the care of clothes, as most of us would like to avoid it, but there are some fabrics that require ironing. These include natural materials such as cotton or linen. Most garments contain several materials, including elastane, which makes the fabric elastic. This has the advantage of requiring less ironing.

If ironing is still necessary, you will see the following symbol on the garment label:

The point inside (indicates the ironing temperature:

- 1 point 110 C-on - 2 point 150 C-on - 3 point 200 C-on.

Tip: It is highly recommended to follow the ironing instructions, as high temperatures not only cause visible damage to the fabric (e.g. it will fade), but can also shrink it if it is made of a stretch fabric. We therefore recommend that you turn the clothes inside out when ironing.


Some garments are made of a material (wool, silk, etc.) or a combination of several materials that cannot be washed or cleaned at home. These can only be dry-cleaned.

A symbol of:  

If the mark is crossed out, we do not recommend dry cleaning the garment at all.

Tip: Dry-cleaning is expensive and uses more chemicals, so we only recommend it (e.g. for wool coats) if the garment cannot be cleaned in any other way.